 DL E&C, full-scale operation of ‘Gulpur Hydroelectric Power Plant in Pakistan’
 DL E&C, full-scale operation of ‘Gulpur Hydroelectric Power Plant in Pakistan’
Panoramic view of Gulpur Hydroelectric Power Plant in Pakistan completed by
DL E&C with Korea South-East Power and Lotte Construction
DL E&C revealed on the 6th that the Gulpur Hydroelectric Power Plant in Pakistan, which held the completion ceremony in September, is operating stably.
This project is a BOOT (build-own-operate-transfer) project that builds a 102 MW hydroelectric power plant about 167 km southeast of Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, and operates it for 30 years. About KRW 440 billion was invested in the project to resolve the severe power shortage in the region through a stable power supply.
DL E&C has jumped into this business by establishing a joint company with Korea South-East Power and Lotte Construction in 2012. Since then, design, equipment procurement, and construction (EPC) have been carried out, and a state-of-the-art power plant that meets international standards has been successfully completed with proven technology. In particular, the business feasibility was maximized by minimizing the length of the aqueduct by locating the dam at the curved part of the river.
As the Gulpur Hydroelectric Power Plant has been operating in earnest, favorable reviews have continued in Pakistan, which has been suffering from power shortages. The News International, a Pakistani local media, introduced in a recent article that “the Gulpur hydroelectric power plant has begun to provide clean and affordable energy.”
Following this, the media said, “Korean construction companies composed of DL E&C and Lotte Construction have successfully completed the construction by overcoming various difficulties such as local floods and difficult site accessibility.” It was praised as the most perfect power plant operating in Pakistan at the time.
Another local media, 'Pakistan Point News (UrduPoint),' also recently reported that a high-ranking Pakistani government official said, "The Gulpur hydroelectric power plant project is like a 'lifeline' of Pakistan as it contributes greatly to the growth of the local economy." reported that he had spoken.
Following this, the media said, “Korean construction companies composed of DL E&C and Lotte Construction have successfully completed the construction by overcoming various difficulties such as local floods and difficult site accessibility.” It was praised as the most perfect power plant operating in Pakistan at the time.
Another local media, 'Pakistan Point News (UrduPoint),' also recently reported that a high-ranking Pakistani government official said, "The Gulpur hydroelectric power plant project is like a 'lifeline' of Pakistan as it contributes greatly to the growth of the local economy." reported that he had spoken.
“The successful completion of the Gulpur Hydroelectric Power Plant in Pakistan has proven our ability to construct state-of-the-art hydroelectric power plants overseas,” said Kwon Soo-young, head of the civil engineering division at DL E&C. plan," he said.
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