New Orders

Housing Civil Engineering Plant

※ K-IFRS Consolidated Basis
Year Total Housing Civil Plant
2022 118,944 92,291 9,193 17,460
2021 105,433 68,877 11,211 25,345
2020 101,210 82,769 15,183 3,258
Units : KRW 100 Million


Housing Civil Engineering Plant

※ K-IFRS Consolidated Basis
Year Total Housing Civil Plant
2022 265,422 190,854 40,307 34,261
2021 243,161 174,300 42,692 26,169
2020 211,923 155,367 45,950 10,606
Units : KRW 100 Million


※ Adopted IFRS(Consolidated)
Year Total Housing Civil Plant Consolidated adjustments, etc.
2022 74,968 100.0% 52,948 70.6% 13,372 17.8% 8,831 11.8% -183 -0.2%
2021 76,317 100.0% 50,774 66.5% 15,043 19.7% 10,582 13.9% -82 -0.1%
Units : KRW 100 Million


※ Adopted IFRS(Consolidated)
Year Gross Profit Operating Profit Earnings before Tax Net Income
2022 9,313 4,970 5,955 4,316
2021 13,864 9,573 9,093 6,358
Units : KRW 100 Million


※ Source: Business report / Dividend payout ratio: consolidated basis
Business Year Total Dividend Dividend Type Dividend Per Share Dividend Payout Ratio Dividend Yield Difference Dividend
2022 KRW 42,282,416,750 Cash Dividend Common Shares: KRW 1,000
Preferred Shares: KRW 1,050
Preferred Shares (2PC): KRW 1,000
10.23 % Common Shares: 2.7%
Preferred Shares: 4.3%
Preferred Shares (2PC): 3.7%
not applicable
2021 KRW 58,012,054,750 Cash Dividend Common Shares: KRW 2,700
Preferred Shares: KRW 2,750
10.05 % Common Shares: 2.2%
Preferred Shares:3.9%
not applicable

Credit Rating

Based on 2022 rating
Rating Agency Corporate Bonds Commercial Paper
Korea Ratings Corporation



NICE Inverstors Service
Korea Inverstors Service
Type Corporate Bonds Commercial Paper
Rating Agency Korea Ratings Corporation NICE Inverstors Service Korea Investors Service Inc. Korea Ratings Corporation NICE Inverstors Service Korea Inverstors Service
Credit Rating 2022 AA- AA- AA- A1 A1 A1
2021 AA- AA- AA- A1 A1 A1
Menus that other people frequently
look for are recommended by us.
Menus that other people frequently look for are recommended by us.
Defining Corporate Bond Rating
Corporate bond credit ratings are assigned a letter grade ranging from AAA to D based on the capacity to pay principal and interest.
Among the grades, AAA to BBB are investment grades known for their capacity to repay principal and interest, whereas BB to C are speculative grades that are heavily influenced by environmental changes.
The ability to pay both principal and interest is superb.
The ability to pay principal and interest is excellent, but it falls short of AAA bonds.
Although it has a good ability to pay principal and interest, it is more vulnerable to economic conditions and environmental damage than higher grades.
Although the ability to pay principal and interest is good, the ability to pay principal and interest in the future may be reduced as a result of economic conditions and environmental deterioration when compared to higher grades.
The ability to pay principal and interest is not currently a problem, but it has a speculative component that cannot guarantee future safety.
There are still components of ambiguity regarding principal and interest self-sufficiency, and it is highly speculative due to the significant chance of default.
It is speculative because of the inability to pay principal and interest, and interest payment is not guaranteed during a recession.
The anxiety factor is stronger than the anxiety factor associated with higher grades.
High default risk and inability to repay principal and interest
Inability to repay
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Defining Commercial Paper Rating
The commercial paper credit rating is comprised of six creditworthiness categories ranging from A1 to D.
It is divided into six grades ranging from A1 to D. Among the grades, A1 through A3 are investment grades in which timely repayment ability is acknowledged, whereas B and C are speculative categories in which timely repayment ability might be considerably affected by environmental changes.
The ability to repay on time is the finest, and the ability to repay consistently is also the best.
It has an outstanding ability to repay on time, but its stability is slightly inferior to that of A1.
The capacity to repay on time is good, and the stability is acceptable, but it falls short of A2.
Timely repayment ability is suitable, but its stability is subject to speculative considerations based on short-term changes in situations.
There is a significant speculative component in timely repayment capabilities and stability.
Inability to repay
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