Global Developer
DL Group's corporate logo is developed in large, capital English letters to represent the company's commitment to innovation and pioneering spirit.
The watermark was created to convey a sense of modernism and the company's strong global presence with an exquisite blue color that expresses its future vision.
DL Blue
Pantone 289 C
C100 / M66 / Y0 / K76
R12 / G35 / B64
DL Light Gray
CMYK — 0 0 0 60
RGB — 137 137 137
HEX — 898989
DL Gray
CMYK — 0 0 0 80
RGB — 89 87 87
HEX — 595757
Menus that other people frequently
look for are recommended by us.
Menus that other people frequently look for are recommended by us.