Social Contribution System and Strategy
DL E&C tries to contribute further to building a society where all members can live happily, based on its foundation philosophy of “Creation of a pleasant, rich life.” We spread the virtue of sharing diversely each and everywhere in society by setting “Partner that grows together with communities” as our social contribution vision and selecting the following five types of sharing as key activities: sharing happiness, sharing love, sharing culture, sharing cleanliness, and sharing wish.
Partner that grows together with communities
Section 2019 Year 2020 Year 2021 Year
Amount of Social Contributions 70 million won 75 million won 60 million won
Number of Participants 2,720 Person 2,207 Person 2,076 Person
Employee Volunteer Hours 16,842 Hours 12,603 Hours 12,522 Hours
Key Activities (5 major sharing initiatives)
  • Sharing Happiness
    Activities to enhance the living conditions of the underprivileged
    DL E&C has been conducting “sharing happiness activities” to improve the residential facilities of the underprivileged through the participation of employees since 2005 in alliance with Habitat Korea. Despite the tough situation caused by COVID-19 in 2020, we carried out the 'Repair the House of Love' activity with the Seoul branch of Habitat Korea to enhance the facilities of old housing clusters and welfare organizations in Seoul and the metropolitan area under strict quarantine laws.These house repair activities are being carried out with the goal of increasing energy efficiency by leveraging employees' talents to replace wallpaper and flooring, as well as insulation work and LED lighting replacement. In the case of welfare group facilities, the inside of the facility is designed as a barrier-free environment so that persons in wheelchairs can move freely.
  • Sharing Love
    Delivering the warmth of sharing everywhere in communities
    'Sharing Love' is an exercise that allows us to develop the heart of love by locating marginalized neighbors. We are attempting to provide practical assistance to beneficiaries in various parts of the local community by exploiting the geographical characteristics of building sites distributed around the country. Moreover, we are actively engaged in non-face-to-face social contribution efforts to continue lending a helping hand in the face of COVID-19. Our personnel are directly involved in the manufacturing of Braille books for the visually impaired, and we are constantly making eco-bags for children in developing Southeast Asian countries, as well as children's books to care for the mind to overcome the Corona Blue.
  • Sharing Culture
    Bringing art closer to people's lives and encouraging the creative activities of local artists
    By sponsoring art museums, DL E&C contributes to the growth of cultural and art companies, as well as the development of emerging artists. Daelim Cultural Foundation, founded in 1996, offers exhibitions that reveal creative value in ordinary life, as well as educational and cultural events in which anyone may join and enjoy the vision of 'a museum where everyday life becomes art.' In addition, we operate a Marble Billiard Room, a creative community for young artists, to introduce to the world the work of young creators active in many genres.
  • Sharing Sunlight
    Nationwide environmental protection activities to create a clean earth
    DL E&C endeavors to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment. We practice “one mountain, one river, one street” to clean regularly the surrounding areas of 250 construction sites nationwide. DL E&C takes part in the “1·1·1 practice movement” (reducing a ton of greenhouse gas emissions per person a year) to reduce carbon emissions in everyday life in connection with the Jongro-gu Office. We are carrying out various environmental protection activities in daily life including "Plogging” or picking up trash while jogging and production of popup books for environmental protection education.
  • Sharing Hope
    Supporting education through safety experience programs and funding academic conferences
    As a member of society, DL E&C seeks to contribute to the growth of our society through hope-sharing actions that support education, schools, and academics. We fund academic conferences and exhibitions in collaboration with universities and associations across the country, and upon request from schools and organizations, DL E&C delivers the safety experience school program for free. We disseminate diverse safety knowledge required for daily life, such as fire response, CPR, and the usage of a stiffener, through this.
Efforts to achieve UN SDGs
DL E&C supports the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and aspires to create a world where more people can be happy through continual social contribution activities.
  • No Poverty
  • Quality education
  • Health and well-being
  • Less inequality
  • Sustainable cities
    and communities
  • Climate action
  • Terrestrial ecosystem
Activity news
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