With the heart of caring for the forest, we are taking the lead in environmental protection.
In accordance with the corporate philosophy of "Creating a comfortable and affluent living, and supporting broad and boundless growth and development," DL E&C is adopting the following environmental and energy policies for the "Realization of Sustainable Green Construction."
Environment · Energy
  • We prevent environmental pollution and adopt steps to optimize energy performance throughout the entire project execution process.
  • We comply with all environmental and energy laws and regulations, both domestic and foreign, and we set and enforce stringent internal standards.
  • We provide education and training to employees and suppliers to help them enhance their environmental and energy performance.
  • We design environmentally friendly technology in order to create new environmental values.
  • We safeguard environmental resources and improve energy performance by acquiring and designing green products that incorporate resource conservation and energy efficiency.
  • We mitigate climate change and improve energy efficiency through greenhouse gas and energy reduction activities.
We shall notify stakeholders of this policy, establish and implement environmental and energy targets, and constantly enhance the environmental and energy management system through periodic review of implementation status.
CEO Changmin Ma
ISO 14001
ISO 14001 is an international standard established by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization).DL E&C has been maintaining the ISO 14001 certification it acquired in 1997.
ISO 50001:2018
ISO 50001 is an international standard established by the ISO(International Organization for Standardization). DL E&C has been Maintaining the ISO 50001 certification it acquired in 2021.
Environmental Management Objectives
Vision Realizing Sustainable Green Construction
Making Living Space Green
Action Plan
  • Green Culture
    • Settling mindset with Green Habit
    • Enhancement of Social Contribution Activities in the Environment
  • Green Partnership
    • Reinforcing company-wide and partner-company activities to minimize greenhouse gas emissions
    • Assisting partner companies in improving their environmental management capabilities.
  • Green Business
    • Securing competitive advantage in Green Tech
    • Discovering Green Biz Model
  • Green Communication
    • Providing environmentally friendly information
    • Participating in international environmental initiatives
Environmental Implementations
Initiating Green Campaigns
Extending new and renewable energy
Developing Green Tech
Implementing ISO14001
DL E&C has now had ISO14001 accreditation since 1997 and has maintained it up to date. To meet the fast changing industrial environment and increasing customer requirements, the new ISO14001:2015 criteria were immediately adopted into the environmental management system in 2016. It is evident in how much it contributes to our business performance.
  • Environmental policy
  • Risk and opportunity analysis management
  • Environmentally friendly design and review
  • Establishment of environmental goals and plan
Support and Operation
  • Implementation of environmental plans
  • Environmental education and training
  • Communication with stakeholders
  • Green purchases
  • Value chain management
  • Emergency preparation and response
  • Nonconformity corrective actions
  • Continuous improvements
Performance Evaluation
  • Internal environmental audits
  • Monitoring and measurements
  • Management reviews
Environmental Education Program
Efforts are being made to raise environmental awareness among all personnel through online and offline environmental education. Moreover, environmental education is provided for partner company management and supervisors to enhance environmental consciousness.
Education Type
  • New on-site environmental education
  • On-site environment manager education
  • Job education by task
  • New employee education
  • Manager/Supervisor education
  • Partner company supervisor education
  • Environmental cyber education
Our Activities Related to Greenhouse Gas/Energy Management
  • Renewable Power Generation Business
    Renewable Power Generation Business
    To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and expand the supply of clean energy, DL Group is vigorously building new and renewable power facilities such as solar power, wind power, and hydro power. As a global firm, we will fulfill our environmental responsibility by increasing our investments in new and renewable energy.
    • Metro Wind Power
      • Capacity: 50 MW
      • Commercial Operation: 2016
      • Country: Pakistan
      • Investor: DL Energy
    • Gul Ahmed Wind Power
      • Capacity: 50 MW
      • Commercial Operation: 2016
      • Country: Pakistan
      • Investor: DL Energy
    • Hawa Wind Power
      • Commercial Operation: 2016
      • Country: Pakistan
      • Investor: DL Energy
    • Metro Hydro-electric Power
      • Capacity: 102 MW
      • Commercial Operation: 2020
      • Country: Pakistan
      • Investor: DL E&C
    • Tafila Wind Power
      • Capacity : 52 MW
      • Commercial Operation : 2020
      • Country : Jordan
      • Investor : DL Energy
    • Poseung Biomass Power
      • Capacity : 43.2 MW
      • Commercial Operation : 2018
      • Country : South Korea
      • Investor : DL Energy
    • PMGD Solar Power
      • Capacity : 105 MW
      • Commercial Operation : 2020 (based on comprehensive completion)
      • Country : Chile
      • Investor : DL Energy
  • Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Business
    Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Business
    The requirement to limit greenhouse gas emissions was imposed on industrialized countries through accords such as the 1992 Climate Change Convention and the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The amount of greenhouse gas reduction achieved by eco-friendly initiatives in non-compulsory reduction countries can also be recognized as the mandatory fulfillment amount, according to the Clean Development Mechanism. DL Co., Ltd. is also helping Korea meet its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through CDM projects in Chile and Pakistan.
    United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
    Kyoto Protocol
    Joint Implementation
    Recognizing success in greenhouse gas reduction between obligatory reduction nations and mandatory reduction countries
    Clean Development Mechanism
    Recognizing performance in greenhouse gas reductions between nations with required and non-compulsory reductions
    Emission Trading System
    Trades are permitted based on reduction performance following the allocation of emission permits to mandated reduction countries
    Chile PMGD Solar Power Project
    We are building a 105MW solar power facility in Chile as part of the CDM project, which is estimated to cut greenhouse gas emissions by around 140,000 tons per year.
    Panorama view of Santa Rosa 9MW
    Power generation type Solar power generation (PV Tracking)
    Total project cost USD 178 Mil.
    Volume 105MW (12 projects in total of 8~9MW projects)
    Developer DL Energy
    Business milestones Financial closing : 2019.03
    1st Project (Santa Rosa) Commercial Operation: 2019.04
    Comprehensive Completion : 2020.2H
    Business life 25 years after commencement of commercial operation of each business
    CDM approval schedule 2019.02: Application for registering CDM business to UN
    2020.1H : Chilean government approval
    2020.2H : UN official registration
    2021.2H : Korean government approval and emission trading commencement
    Greenhouse gas (CO2) reduction About 140,000 tons per year
  • Greenhouse Gas Emission Management
    Greenhouse Gas Emission Management
    Since 2009, DL E&C has maintained a greenhouse gas inventory system in response to climate change, one of the world's most significant environmental issues, and strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all domestic sites and headquarters. Furthermore, through third-party verification, the data's reliability has been ensured, and the system has been continuously improved.
    ( Unit : tCO2-e )
    Section Direct emissions Indirect emissions Other indirect emissions Total Carbon intensity (tCO2-e/TJ) Energy intensity (TJ/100 millionKRW)
    2021 Domestic 17,013 32,932 116,220 166,165 64.3 0.055
    Overseas 6,149 957 16,972 24,078
    2020 Domestic 16,000 39,344 147,584 202,928 64.9 0.060
    Overseas 10,397 1,170 27,414 38,981
    2019 Domestic 13,753 41,813 149,746 205,312 64.8 0.056
    Overseas 7,174 2,547 7,564 17,285
    Greenhouse gas emissions for the past 3 years
    Energy Usage Management
    DL E&C predicts GHG emissions by reviewing the expected energy consumption and sets reduction targets by classifying energy facilities according to the level of impact. In order to achieve the targets, we establish quantitative action plans and implement performance management to reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions.
    Energy Consumption Data by Fuel (Domestic Business Site)
    ※ 2021 goal : Reduce by 3% reduction from the Energy Baseline(EnB)
    ※ Energy Baseline (EnB) : 3 year average energy usage (‘18~’20)
Eco-friendly Management Activity
DL E&C is focusing on preventing environmental accidents by investigating all environmental risks such as air, noise vibration, waste, and water quality that may occur during construction and is constantly striving to create an eco-friendly construction site through the implementation of a smart environmental management system.
Investment performance in eco-friendly technology development
As the international community's awareness and importance of eco-friendliness is increasing, the ability to respond to climate change is required not only in the construction industry but also in all industries. Accordingly, global companies are making various efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as energy saving in the building sector. DL E&C has been promoting the development of various eco-friendly technologies to meet the needs of consumers for a pleasant living environment and roadmap for mandatory zero-energy construction by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. In addition, we are continuously expanding high-efficiency and eco-friendly designs with the goal of realizing 100% zero-energy-saving housing.
Investment performance in 2021
NO Project Title Benefit Plan budget(KRW) Investment performance(KRW)
1 Development of non-welding modular system connectors Oxygen required for welding, welding rod, and above all, human resource input is large, and when developing a connector, it is a work within a very short time, and resource consumption is also minimized by making bolts to save resources. 160,000,000 142,800,000
2 Development of underground outer wall PC system using HCS (Hollow Core Slab) Compared to the cast-in-place method, the PC method optimizes the amount of cement and aggregate input to the same structure, reducing the amount of input resources and minimizing waste. 20,000,000 14,140,000
3 Double barrel floor structure using heavy aggregate Reduction of noise caused by inter-floor impact noise 50,000,000 108,673,302
4 Development of an optimal design program for multi-unit solar power Greenhouse gas reduction by generating electricity from sunlight, an eco-friendly energy, rather than electricity production using carbon-generating energy sources - 45,000,000
5 Smart Home Differentiation Technology Ⅲ/Smart Environment Control When smart home technology is introduced, energy production is reduced by using energy efficiently and reducing waste. 70,000,000 66,000,000
6 Heavy equipment automation and construction robot development In case of automation of heavy equipment, it is possible to optimize without excessive input of dumps and backhoes used in earthworks, so fuel costs can be reduced. 70,000,000 84,322,000
Total 370,000,000 460,935,302
  Performance against plan 124.6%
Green Purchasing System
In 2012, DL E&C established green purchasing management guidelines in compliance with the industry's Green Purchase Voluntary Agreement to stimulate company-wide purchasing of eco-friendly materials and to aggregate and manage performance. Purchase items include civil engineering, construction, electricity, chemistry, equipment, and home goods, as well as raw and subsidiary materials required for manufacturing activities at each site. When requesting material purchases at each site, the purchasing organization verifies the availability of eco-friendly materials and acquires eco-friendly products with the highest priority.
Green Purchasing Process
Green Purchasing Performance
By prioritizing eco-friendly products such as eco-friendly lighting, bathroom supplies, and interior finishing materials, DL E&C is constantly reinforcing its green purchasing procedures. Eco-friendly certified items are acquired and used based on the Ministry of Environment's official certification of eco-label certified products and great recycled products. Through this we are working to achieve sustainable Green Construction by conserving energy and resources, enhancing recycling and resource circulation, decreasing dangerous compounds, and lowering pollution to the environment. Furthermore, via continual process and system improvement, we intend to broaden and apply the range and proportion of green purchase products.
Ratio of purchases of green products to purchases of raw materials and subsidiary materials
*Green product purchase amount: Eco-label certification / eco-friendly building material certification (HB certification) / Purchase of excellent recycled product certification company products, recycled aggregates, and new and renewable energy equipment
Environmental Management Awards
  • 2021
    National Assembly Chairman’s Award
    Eco-dome design that takes into account both building and the environment.
    Environment Minister’s Award
    Using automation techniques to reduce blind spots in the environment
    MOLIT Minister’s Award
    Managing with noise and vibration reduction during vertical excavation construction utilizing environmentally friendly and colorful soundproofing boards
  • 2020
    National Assembly Environment and Labor Committee’s Citation
    On-site environment management using environmental map
    Environment Minister’s Award
    Smart noise control using photogrammetry
    MOLIT Minister’s Award
    Cases of large-scale sites’ noise, scattering dust, and waste management
  • 2019
    Environment Minister’s Award
    Establishment of radon-free apartment construction process
    Korea Environment Corporation President’s Prize
    Improvement case of pump car washing-water treatment method
  • 2018
    Environment Minister’s Award
    Case of managing scattered dust using an auto-fine dust gauge
    MOLIT Minister’s Award
    Case of tunnel construction using eco-friendly methods
    Korea Environment Corporation President’s Prize
    Improvement case of using eco-friendly solar power system
  • 2017
    National Assembly Chairman’s Award
    Improvement through the construction method change of post head section
    Environment Minister’s Award
    Improvement of ready-mixed concrete residue treatment
    MOLIT Minister’s Award
    Improvement of noise-reduction during on-site construction
  • 2016
    National Assembly Chairman’s Award
    Improvement and application of concrete chipping tool
    National Assembly Vice Chairman’s Award
    Improvement on environmental damage of tunnel construction
    MOLIT Minister’s Award
    Thirteen measures to reduce noise, dust and scattered dust
  • 2015
    National Assembly Chairman’s Award
    Installation of hydraulic soundproof door at the vertical opening of tunnel
    Environment Minister’s Award
    Scattered dust reduction method using dust collector and pre-perforated holes
    MOLIT Minister’s Award
    Improvement of overflow concrete treatment method during RCD construction
  • 2014
    National Assembly Chairman’s Award
    Prevention of waste soil and sand during the buoyance prevention anchoring work
    National Assembly Environment and Labor Committee’s Citation
    Scattered dust collecting equipment using a ventilator
    Environment Minister’s Award
    Apartments without noise between floors
  • 2013
    National Assembly Chairman’s Award
    Sewer pipe-type scattered dust reduction facility
    MOLIT Minister’s Award
    Noise reduction in urban site construction
  • 2012
    National Assembly Environment and Labor Committee’s Citation
    Water quality improvement of discharged water from the water pump via pollution preventing box
    Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs Minister’s Awards
    Eco-friendly temporary facility application method
    Korea Environment Corporation President’s Prize
    Wheel-washing sludge control facility and supernatant discharge facility
    Prime Minister’s Citation
    Contribution to national industry development through green management activities
  • 2011
    Korea Environment Corporation President’s Prize
    Eco-friendly temporary facility application method
    Environment Minister’s Citation
    Selection as an excellent company implementing a voluntary agreement for building asbestos control
  • 2010
    Environment Minister’s Award
    Carbon emission reduction through wind power energy utilization
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