Board of Directors

Inside Directors
  • Executive Adviser,
    Chair of the Board of Directors
    Nam, Yong
    • Appointment Date
    • Term
      3 years
    • Education
      Dept. of Economics at Seoul National University (Bachelor)
    To be covered by Directors And Officers Liability insurance
  • Division Director, CEO
    Ma, Chang Min
    • Appointment Date
    • Term
      3 years
    • Education
      University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign MBA
    To be covered by Directors And Officers Liability insurance
Independent Director
  • Independent Director
    Park, Chan Hi
    • Appointment Date
    • Term
      3 years
    • Education
      Business Administration, Harvard University (PhD)
    • Division
      Management Strategy
    • Career
      (Current) Professor of Business Administration at Chung-Ang University
      (Former) Dept. Manager of the Civil Service Commission
    To be covered by Directors And Officers Liability insurance
  • Independent Director
    Kim, Il Yoon
    • Appointment Date
    • Term
      3 years
    • Education
      Architectural Engineering, Yonsei University (Master)
    • Division
      Business Strategy, Construction Industry
    • Career
      (Current) CEO of PIA
      (Former) Lehman Brothers
      Senior Vice President,
      SAMSUNG C&T Engineering & Construction
    To be covered by Directors And Officers Liability insurance
  • Independent Director
    Shin, Soo Jin
    • Appointment Date
    • Term
      3 years
    • Education
      Philosophy, Yonsei University (PhD)
    • Division
      ESG management
    • Career
      (Current) Visiting professor at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
      (Current) Director of Lamp Lab
    To be covered by Directors And Officers Liability insurance
  • Independent Director
    Shin, Jae Yong
    • Appointment Date
    • Term
      3 years
    • Education
      Accounting, Wisconsin-Madison University (PhD)
    • Division
    • Career
      (Current) Professor of Business school at Seoul National University
    To be covered by Directors And Officers Liability insurance
Regulations on the Board of Directors
Regulations on the Board of Directors
In accordance with the Board of Directors regulations, Independent directors may consult external experts at the company’s expense when necessary.

Activities of BOD

Session Date of Meeting
(Y, M, D)
Agenda Approval Status
Session 2 2023.02.22 No.1 : Decision to convene 2nd Annual Shareholders Meeting and approval of the meeting agenda Approved
No.2 : Approval of electronics voting system Approved
No.3 : Approval of 2023 Safety and Health plan  Approved
No.4 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.5 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
※ Report on the operation status of internal control over financial reporting -
※ Report on the assessment results of internal control over financial reporting -
※ Report on the assessment results of Board of Directors in 2022 -
※ Report on risk status and response plan by site at the Housing&Building Business Division -
※ Report on activities and annual plan for compliance control  -
Session 1 2023.02.03 No.1 : Approval of 2nd(FY22) Financial Statements before Auditing  Approved
No.2 : Approval of 2nd(FY22) Business Report  Approved
No.3 : Approval of 2023 Management Plan  Approved
Session 9 2022.12.21 No.1 : Appointment of the CARBONCO general shareholders meeting signatory Approved
No.2 : Approval of liquidation of Overseas Branch (Libya) Approved
No.3 : Appointment of the compliance program manager Approved
No.4 : Approval of change maximum amount limit of Transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.5 : Approval of maximum amount limit of Transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.6 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.7 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.8 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.9 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.10 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.11 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
※ Report on 2022 performance and 2023 Management Plan  -
※ Report on 4th Quarter 2022 internal control activities inspection results -
※ Report on mid-term business strategy of Civil Business Division -
Session 8 2022.10.26 No.1 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.2 : Approval of execution of donations Approved
Session 7 2022.09.27 No.1 : Extension of Woori Bank's credit limit Approved
No.2 : Approval of execution of donations Approved
※ Report on Third Quarter 2022 Financial performance -
※ Report on Third Quarter 2022 internal control activities inspection results -
※ Report on the Expansion of the Housing & Building Business Division's Business Portfolio -
Session 6 2022.06.21 No.1 : Approval of execution of donations Approved
No.2 : Approval of establishment and investment of a separate corporation for CCUS business Approved
※ Report on First Half 2021 Financial performance -
※ Report on stock market evaluation and shareholder's voice -
※ Report on the status of Canakkaele business in turkey -
※ Report on internal control activities 2022 -
Session 5 2022.05.26 No.1 : Approval of conclusion of a trust contract for the buy back Approved
No.2 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
Session 4 2022.05.02 No.1 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.2 : Delegation of the committee for approval of transaction with stakeholders under the Commercial Law Approved
Session 3 2022.03.24 No.1 : Approval of increase of capital stock without consideration through capital transfer of reserve funds Approved
No.2 : Approval of execution of the directors' remuneration Approved
No.3 : Appointment of committee members and reorganization of committee within the board of directors Approved
No.4 : Amendment and enactment of regulations of the Board of Directors and Committees within the Board of Directors Approved
No.5 : Amendment of the executive remuneration regulations Approved
No.6 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
※ Report on First Quarter 2021 Financial performance -
※ Report on compliance control activities 2022 -
Session 2 2022.02.02 No.1 : Approval of electronics voting system Approved
No.2 : Decision to convene 1st Annual Shareholders Meeting and approval of the meeting agenda Approved
No.3 : Appointment of compliance program manager Approved
No.4 : Approval of 2022 Safety and Health plan Approved
No.5 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.6 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
※ Report on the operation status of internal control over financial reporting -
※ Report on the assessment results of internal control over financial reporting -
※ Report on the assessment results of Board of Directors in 2021 -
※ Report on the Russia Risk countermeasures -
※ Report on annual plan for compliance control -
Session 1 2022.01.27 No.1 : Approval of 1st(FY21) Financial Statements before Auditing Approved
No.2 : Approval of 1st(FY21) Business Report Approved
No.3 : Approval of 2022 Management Plan Approved
No.4 : Approval of loan extension with affiliated company(DSA) Approved
No.5 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
※ Report on compliance control activities -
Session 11 2021.12.21 No.1 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.2 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.3 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.4 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.5 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.6 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
※ Report on 2021 performance and 2022 Management Plan -
※ ESG Strategy reporting -
Session 10 2021.11.15 No.1 : Approval of execution of donations Approved
Session 9 2021.09.28 No.1 : Revision of Regulations Committee within Board of Directors Approved
No.2 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.3 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.4 : Extension of Woori Bank's credit limit Approved
No.5 : Approval of execution of donations Approved
No.6 : Approval of execution of donations Approved
※ Report on Third Quarter 2021 Operating and financial performance -
Session 8 2021.08.04 No.1 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.2 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.3 : Agreement on the attribution of trademark rights among the three DL companies Approved
Session 7 2021.06.22 No.1 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
※ Report on First Half 2021 Operating and financial performance Approved
Session 6 2021.05.27 No.1 : Enactment of compliance Control Standards Approved
No.2 : Amendment of Regulations of Committees within the Board of Directors Approved
No.3 : Approval of maximum amount limit of Transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.4 : Approval of Transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
No.5 : Agreement on the attribution of trademark rights between the three DL companies Approved
Session 5 2021.05.26 No.1 : Provision of Cash Deficiency Support in the bridge loan for United Water investment Approved
Session 4 2021.03.23 No.1 : Approval of 2021 Safety and Health plan Approved
No.2 : Approval of enactment of the executive remuneration regulations Approved
No.3 : Approval of enactment of the Corporate Governance Charter Approved
※ Report on First Quarter 2021 Operating and financial performance -
Session 3 2021.01.28 No.1 : Approval of 2021 Management Plan Approved
No.2 : Appointment of senior Independent director Approved
No.3 : Approval of the maximum amount limit of Corporate Bonds Issuance in 2021 Approved
No.4 : Approval of competitive transactions of director Approved
No.5 : Approval of execution of the directors' remuneration Approved
Session 2 2021.01.04 No.1 : Approval of transactions between the Directors and the Company under the Commercial Law Approved
Session 1 2021.01.04 No.1 : Approval of the announcement in substitute for the spin-off inaugural meeting Approved
No.2 : Appointment of Chief Executive Officer Approved
No.3 : Appointment of Chairman of the board of directors Approved
No.4 : Enactment of regulations of the Board of Directors and Committees within the Board of Directors Approved
No.5 : Appointment of committee members of committees within the Board of Directors Approved
No.6 : Approval of establishment of a headquarter Approved
No.7 : Approval of establishment of a branch Approved
No.8 : Approval of establishment of overseas branch Approved
No.9 : Appointment of the compliance support officer and compliance program manager Approved
No.10 : Appointment of the transfer agent Approved
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