The growth of our partner companies is DL E&C’s competitiveness
We operate the industry's best win-win cooperation program to build the constitution of partner companies from a long-term viewpoint, based on the management philosophy that "the growth of our partner companies leads to the strengthening of DL E&C's competitiveness."
Shared Growth Program
Establishment of Fair Trade Culture
  • Complying with the four guidelines of the Fair Trade Commission
  • Applying 100% of standard subcontract
  • Improving contract performance guarantee system
Financial assistance
  • Establishing KRW 100 billion in the Win-Win Cooperation Fund
  • The highest level of payment terms in the construction industry
  • Introducing a private win-win payment system for all sites for the first time by a construction company
Support for technical development
  • Introducing purchase-linked technology development
  • Joint R&D, cost support for R&D, and license grant
Support for business activities
  • Reinforcing the low-cost review system to prevent business partners' bankruptcy and insolvency
  • Performing financial consulting for business partners
  • Assisting partner company's employee training
  • Expanding contribution to the Large and Small Business Win-Win Cooperation Fund
  • Supporting partner companies' ESG management efforts
Establishment of Fair Trade Culture
  • Complying with the four guidelines of the Fair Trade Commission
    Acts that interfere with fair trade order, such as oral orders, non-delivery in writing, unreasonable cancellation of orders, prohibition of transactions with other companies, unreasonable reduction of construction costs, reimbursement of goods, disclosure of cost data, and leakage of professional manpower, are strictly prohibited in strict compliance with the Fair Trade Commission's four guidelines.
  • Applying 100% of standard subcontract
    To spread the fair trade culture, the Fair Trade Commission applies 100 percent of the most recent construction industry and construction material industry standard subcontracts amended by the Fair Trade Commission, as well as the prohibition of unfair special contracts and double contracts, the prohibition of retaliation, and the duty of confidentiality.
  • Improving contract performance guarantee system
    We updated the method to receive a contract performance guarantee after signing a subcontract, ensuring a sufficient period for the issuing of the guarantee to partner companies and offering an opportunity to faithfully execute the duty to issue a written document. We create a system that exempts or reduces contract performance guarantees to 5% for suppliers that meet specified criteria, and we provide additional guarantee fees for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in order to secure more guarantee capacity and ease financial difficulties, supporting to strengthen the competitiveness of our partner companies.
Financial assistance
  • Establishing KRW 100 billion in the Win-Win Cooperation Fund
    We increase financial support by raising KRW 100 billion for win-win collaboration with business partners.
    • Providing 'KRW 50 billion’, which gives free loans to partner companies suffering from a lack of operational capital.
    • Supporting partner companies to receive preferential loan interest rates (1.3%) by creating a KRW 50 billion mutual growth fund with financial institutions
  • The highest level of payment terms in the construction industry
    We help our partners resolve financial challenges and improve their liquidity by improving payment circumstances.
    • Making subcontract payments for subcontractors on the 10th of each month, which is the industry-leading standard
    • Maintaining 100 percent cash equivalent payment based on the cash payment principle to increase fund liquidity
  • Introducing a private win-win payment system for all sites for the first time by a construction company
    To ensure that the amount paid to tier 1 suppliers is appropriately paid to secondary and tertiary suppliers, a private win-win payment system, ',' has been established at all sites since 2014, for the first time in Korea. To encourage primary suppliers to use the win-win payment system, we are offering full support for the win-win payment system transfer fee for the first time among construction businesses.
Support for Business Activities
  • Reinforcing the low-cost review system to prevent business partner's bankruptcy and insolvency
    The low-cost review system is adopted to avoid losses due to excessive rivalry among business partners, as well as to avoid difficulties such as bankruptcy and insolvency of business partners, and to select organizations based on quality and performance rather than price. Furthermore, by increasing the budget from less than 82 percent to 86 percent, or less of the present budget, it is envisaged to assist to the solidification of partner companies.
  • Performing financial consulting for business partners
    We perform financial consulting for financial situation diagnostic and future improvement to assist out partner companies in securing financial stability and preventing problems by recognizing risk factors in advance.
  • Supporting partner company’s ESG management
    As a program that helps partner organizations improve their competitiveness for long-term management by focusing on ESG issues such as safety, the environment, and ethical behavior, we anticipate that by assisting with ESG education, diagnosis, and consultation to improve the ESG business environment, our partner organizations will be able to establish a methodical foothold for ESG management.
  • Supporting settlement appraisal of subcontracting costs
    To improve the settlement agreement, which is often delayed during subcontract settlement, we implemented the settlement appraisal procedure, in which an appraisal is sought by an external professional agency with public trust so that settlement can be settled quickly. We promote the strengthening of our partner company’s financial soundness by doing so, and we also cover the whole amount of external appraisal fees borne by existing suppliers for small and medium-sized firms.
  • Assisting partner company's employee training
    Every year, we educate employees of partner companies on management innovation, cost savings, labor, quality, safety, and the environment to assist them increase their competitiveness through competency development.
  • Expanding contribution to the Large and Small Business Win-Win Cooperation Fund
    We have been donating the Win-Win Cooperation Fund to small and large companies, as well as the Agricultural Cooperation Foundation, to support research, human resource development, and productivity of small and medium-sized partners since 2013, and we are currently implementing support projects for various partner companies. Since 2018, the contribution amount has been doubled in order to promote practical win-win collaboration, and we are extending business activities such as education, technology development, and management support that can directly aid small and medium-sized partners.
Support for technical development
  • Technology development
    We conduct technological development assistance activities to support our partners in enhancing their competitiveness through the creation of new technologies and products, as well as the improvement of quality. (Joint R&D, financial support for R&D, licensing grants, and so on.) A private contract is signed if the company succeeds in developing new technologies in collaboration with partner companies with technological prowess by implementing purchase-linked technology development. Partner companies gain a platform for future expansion, and DL E&C creates a virtuous circle of win-win cooperation that ensures technical competitiveness.
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