We think about a sustainable future.
DL E&C aspires to optimize corporate and shareholder value by generating long-term and consistent earnings through innovative eco-friendly ventures.
Furthermore, by meeting our social and environmental duties and building a transparent governance framework, we will broaden communication with various stakeholders.
To respond to market unpredictability, organizations must not only increase the competitiveness of existing businesses, but also secure new growth engines and differentiated competitiveness by exploring new business opportunities through selection and concentration. Through company reorganization based on core business sectors, DL E&C has created a platform for steady and stable growth, and is creating opportunities to identify new growth engines by leveraging digital technology.
Strategic Direction
Decision-making System
  • Board of Directors
  • ESG Committee
    • 4 independent directors
    • Deliberation on other policies and strategies for ESG management
  • ESG Team
    • Commitment from the ESG committee
    • Establishment and implementation of an ESG strategy
    • Publication of the sustainability report and response to the ESG external assessments
  • ESG Working Group
    • Creation of officers in charge by division
    • Assessment of ESG risks and discussion on countermeasure
    ESG Task Force
    • Allocation of ESG-related department team leader/working staff
    • Identification of ESG risks/cause analysis/improvement factors, etc.
We show our various ESG principles.
We have established and implemented various ESG policies such as environment, safety, ethics and shared growth with suppliers.
ESG External Assessment
Every year, an externally reputable organization evaluates DL E&C's ESG management performance, and the results are presented to stakeholders.
Based on external reviews, we will continue to promote ESG management.
Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS)
  • 2022 ESG Overall Rating A (Environmental A, Social A, Governance A)
  • 2022 ESG Overall Rating BB
  • 2021 ESG Overall Rating AA
ESG Initiative
DL E&C is involved in global projects to promptly identify and proactively implement ESG issues both within and outside of the sector.
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
It seeks to make environmental reporting and risk management a business norm, as well as to encourage disclosure, understanding, and action toward a more sustainable economy
Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Task force for disclosing financial information related to climate change
(Joined supporters as the first Korean construction company in 2021)
Sustainability Report
The sustainability report was released by DL E&C to report on the performance and growth potential of corporate values in the areas of environmental, social and governance. The sustainability report adheres to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard, an international sustainability reporting guideline, as well as the U.S. sustainability accounting standards SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) and TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) recommendations. The report is provided in two languages: Korean and English.
Menus that other people frequently
look for are recommended by us.
Menus that other people frequently look for are recommended by us.