DL E&C, the first plant project in the United States
 DL E&C, the first plant project in the United States

Site map of the Golden Triangle Polymers project in the United States.
The site is located in Orange County, 180 km east of Houston, Texas, USA.

DL E&C has received the final investment decision (FID) for the Golden Triangle Polymers Project from the order It was revealed on November 17th. This project is expected to be a bridge to advance to the future us market with the first petrochemical plant construction in the United States.
The total construction amount is approximately KRW 1.67 trillion (USD 1.26 billion), and DL USA (100% owned by DL E&C), DL E&C's US subsidiary, jointly with Zachry Industrial, an American construction company. do it with DL USA's order amount is approximately KRW 660 billion, and it is in charge of design and purchase of major equipment and materials. Zachry Industrial will be in charge of local construction and bulk material purchases. The site is located in Orange County, on the border of Texas and Louisiana, USA, 180 km east of Houston.
This project is being pursued by Golden Triangle Polymers, a joint venture between Chevron Phillips Chemical of the United States and Qatar Energy. DL E&C has been recognized for its technology and business ability by performing multiple projects carried out by Chevron Phillips Chemical. In particular, DL E&C has successfully completed the Saudi NCP project in 2011. Afterwards, at the request of the business owner in 2019, basic design (FEED) was carried out to calculate the investment cost of the Golden Triangle Polymers project. The project was temporarily postponed due to the spread of Corona 19, but DL E&C succeeded in winning this main construction based on the successful basic design performance and the trust of the business owner.
The Golden Triangle Polymers project aims to begin construction in 2022 and commercial operation within 2026. It consists of two polyethylene production units with an annual capacity of 1 million tons. It is the world's largest production scale per unit. DL E&C is a plan to apply advanced technologies such as modular and BIM (Construction Information Modeling) to provide solutions optimized for this project and realize successful business performance.
DL E&C plant business head Yoo Jaeho said, “This project is of great significance as the first petrochemical plant that DL E&C received in the United States.” We will establish a bridgehead,” he said.

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