 DL E&C Offers Safety Experience Training for CEOs of Partner Firms

DL E&C’s partner firms’ CEOs receive the mobile workbench fall experience training. 
DL E&C offered safety experience training and meeting targeting the CEOs of the Plant Biz Division’s partner firms from July 7 to 8.
A total of 43 partner firms’ CEOs participated. After the training at DL E&C’s Safety Experience School, the meeting was held in videoconference mode. 

DL E&C held the events to shape safe workplaces so that no accident occurs while recognizing safety as an essential condition for win-win cooperation. The safety experience training program consists of safety leadership and safety experience training. The participants experienced CPR practice, emergency evacuation, and fall situation during high-place work. After the training, DL E&C’s propulsion of safety management was explained. DL E&C had time to listen to the partner firms’ voices to put field safety activities into practice through a meeting.  
DL E&C is propelling diverse measures to practice safety activities by presenting safety management as the foremost task. The company has steadily expanded the regular-position employment of safety and health manager and has reinforced safety education/training by expanding the safety school.  
To put win-win development into practice, DL E&C is closely sharing safety management. The company plans to endeavor to have workers work under a safer working environment by steadily expanding safety education/training ranging from partner firms’ CEO to employees.  
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