 DL E&C Opens Shilim Line Urban Railway

Shilim Line urban railway train in the train station  
DL E&C is accelerating as a developer, positioning itself in the developer market by opening the Turkish Canakkale Bridge and Seoul Shilim urban railway this year.
The company plans to continue its business portfolio enhancement centered on high earnings by concentrating its developer competence. 

DL E&C announced on May 31 that it officially opened on May 28 the Shilim Line with total length of 7.8km connecting Mt. Gwanaksan (SNU) Station in Gwanak-gu and Saetgang Station in Yeongdeungpo-gu. The Shilim Line is a developer project propelled by the company in BTO (build-to-order) mode wherein the Nam Seoul Transit Rail (NSTR)—for which DL E&C is a lead company—operates the line for 30 years to collect the invested money and then transfers ownership to Seoul City. The total project cost is KRW 832.8 billion.  
The Shilim Line adopts the rubber wheels light railway train for the first time in the Seoul urban railway. The rubber tire transit rail uses rubber tires for low noise and high stability. The Line will be operated as an unmanned train by adopting a Korean Radio-based Train Control System (KRTCS) for the first time in Korea. 
According to the opening of Shilim Line, the traffic jam in the southwestern region including Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu, Dongjak-gu, and Gwanak-gu is expected to be eased considerably. It is expected to contribute to local economic invigoration around 11 stations including 4 transfer stations. As the expected daily users of the Shilim Line seem to be 130,000, earnings through the stable operation of NSTR are also expected. 
Moreover, DL E&C succeeded in opening the Turkish Canakkale Bridge prior to the opening of the Shilim Line. The Canakkale Bridge connecting Europe and Asia is the world’s longest suspension bridge. DL E&C has played a role in creating high-added value earnings, taking charge of business discovery, planning, and financial procurement to construction and operation beyond simple construction. 
 “DL E&C is being recognized in the global developer market based on the world’s leading technological and developer capabilities. We will continue to create new values that can meet higher market expectations while improving organizational competence for high value developer business propulsion,” a source at DL E&C said.
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