DL Group Wages Plogging Campaign on Earth Day  

Employees of GLAD Hotels and Resorts, a DL Group affiliate,
are carrying out a plogging event in Yeouido.

DL Group’s eco-friendly campaign held on April 22 is drawing attention. DL Group’s affiliate GLAD Hotels and Resorts held a plogging event in Yeouido, Seoul on Earth Day. Plogging is a compound of Swedish “Plocka upp,” meaning picking up grains, and English word “jogging,” so it means picking up trash while jogging. 
The plogging campaign is being carried out at overall Group affiliates. DL E&C is performing the plogging event wherein employees voluntarily participate for one month in June when Earth Day is held. Starting with “Eco Plogging Challenging,” which is part of the environmental purification activity, in February, DL Chemical is performing it every month. DL Chemical accumulates KRW 10,000 per participation from employees and raises donations, planning to support the underprivileged class in areas where each construction site is located. 
DL E&C is recently waging a carbon footprint campaign in association with the Jongro Gu Office. The employees are taking part in the Greenhouse Gas 1, 1, 1 Practice Campaign to practice carbon reduction in everyday life including using personal cups instead of paper cups and unplugging electric/electronic products. Likewise, “One mountain, one river, and one street tidying up activities” to clean the surrounding environments in association with the competent local governments at the head office level and in construction sites are regularly performed. 
DL Construction has also been waging a construction site environmental management campaign called “DL Green Challenge” since this year. By selecting topics related to environmental issues that may occur during construction and receiving environmental pollution prevention best practices, employees and construction sites with excellent achievements are rewarded. 
GLAD Hotels and Resorts is performing the “Save Earth, Save Jeju” campaign. The waste beddings and towels of MAISON GLAD JEJU are not scrapped but recreated as pets’ cushions and toys and sold. In addition, an event wherein the bottle caps collected by the hotel guests are manufactured as eco-friendly key rings and offered to them is being carried out. GLAD Yeouido is executing various upcycling activities such as manufacturing employees’ uniforms by collecting non-labeled mineral water bottles offered within hotel rooms. 
DL plans to expand actively carbon reduction and social contribution programs that the employees can easily practice in daily life. It plans to wage diverse campaigns that can prevent environmental pollution and help in local environmental improvement in 250 construction sites and each business place. 
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