DL E&C Holds First Annual Meeting of Shareholders  

Inside and outside directors and shareholders who attended the annual meeting of shareholders   
DL E&C hosted the first annual meeting of shareholders on March 24 on the third floor of D Tower in Donuimun, with inside and outside directors and shareholders in attendance. In this year’s annual meeting of shareholders, agenda such as approval for financial statements, articles of association change, director appointment, and director’s remuneration limit approval were presented, deliberated on, and decided. In the shareholders’ annual meeting, the seats had some gaps, and hand sanitizers were placed in order to prevent COVID-19 infection.  
In the board of directors’ meeting, 100% capital increase without consideration was decided to allocate one new share per existing share. Dividends of KRW 2,700 per common stock and KRW 2,750 per preferred stock were decided. In addition, Shin, Soo jin was approved as new outside director. “Although the COVID-19 pandemic situation, which casts uncertain shadows over the global economy, continues, we will accelerate efforts for change and innovation for future value enhancement as well as existing business growth. The newly launched DL E&C last year will realize shareholder value maximization by robustly building future growth engines, centered on eco-friendly new businesses,” said CEO Ma Chang-min, who chaired the board of directors’ meeting.
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