DL E&C Bags Infrastructure Construction Project in Songdo 11-1 Construction Zone (1-1 District)
DL E&C Bags Infrastructure Construction Project in
Songdo 11-1 Construction Zone (1-1 District)  

Construction site location  
DL E&C’s Civil Engineering Biz Division was selected as a successful bidder for the Songdo 11-1 Zone Infrastructure Construction (1-1 District). The contract amount is KRW 79.6 billion (VAT-exclusive, DL E&C’s stake: 63%, KRW 50.1 billion), and the construction period is 38 months.  
The project involves building educational and research facilities and infrastructure (complex shaping, road, duct, bridge) in the Songdo Free Economic Zone. Based on this, Songdo is expected to emerge as a high-class knowledge-based international city by forming an industry, academe, and research-converged cutting-edge industrial cluster. 
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