Malaysia’s PETRON ULSADO Site Starts Commercial Operations and Production of On-Spec Diesel


Malaysia’s PETRON ULSADO Site Starts Commercial Operations and Production of On-Spec Diesel 

Construction site

Malaysia’s PETRON ULSADO Project commenced its commercial operations on April 8, and it is producing on-spec Euro-5 diesel. Euro-5 diesel is more eco-friendly, discharging less sulfur oxides when used for internal combustion engines compared to the Euro-2 diesel. The Euro-5 diesel produced at 21:00 on April 8 from the ULSADO Project is high-quality diesel (standard product sulfur content - 2ppm) meeting the on-spec (less than the standard sulfur content - 10ppm). The ULSADO Project involves building Euro-5 diesel production facilities in the Port Dickson Refinery, 100km southeast from Kuala Lumpur. It consists of the DHT unit, which is a desulfurizing process, by adding high-temperature, high-pressure hydrogen using the Euro-2 diesel made from the existing process and the BSR and SWS units processing H2S gas and sour water as byproducts.


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