Safety Experience School Acquires ISO 21001:2018 Educational Organization Management System Certification

Safety Experience School Acquires ISO 21001:2018 Educational Organization Management System Certification 

Safety and Health Team members pose for a commemorative photo while showing the certificate


The Daelim Safety Experience School acquired ISO 21001 (Educational Organization Management System) certification for the first time among the safety experience schools in Korea on January 16. ISO 21001 is an international standard for organizations carrying out education/training. The acquisition of the certification is the result of the external verification of the training system design, including whether education/training has been implemented as well as the safety experience school’s performance of experience training targeting the employees of Daelim and partner firms. The acquired certification is expected to lay the foundation for improving the safety training school organization’s training capabilities and services in terms of quality.

ISO 21001 (Educational Organization Management System) certificate

The Safety Experience School conducted training for newcomers for 2020 on Jan. 16 and 17 as the first training since the acquisition of the ISO 201001 certificate. The school will continuously offer experience training for the management supervisors of Daelim and partner firms and contribute to creating zero-accident workplaces by fostering Hansup people who know the dangers and practice safety. 

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