Daelim Hosts Win-Win Growth Policy Presentation
Daelim Hosts Win-Win Growth Policy Presentation 

Daelim Subcontract Purchase Office Manager Lee Gi-sun gives a welcome speech.

Daelim held a “2019 Win-Win Growth Policy Presentation” at the Glad Hotel Yeouido on March 5 by inviting some 100 small and medium partner firms located in Seoul Metropolitan Area. Held for the first time this year, the presentation was prepared to publicize actively the “Small and Medium Firms Support Program” operated by Daelim for use by the partner firms and to listen to their opinions. Subcontract Purchase Office Manager Lee Gi-sun and executives of the partner firms (suppliers) attended the presentation. 

Q&A on the win-win growth policy / Humanities lecture

Kim Chun-jae, team leader of Win-Win Growth Team 2 with Subcontract Firms, introduced the win-win growth policy, with Talking Speech CEO Shin Sang-hoon giving a lecture on “Humor Leading Life and Business to Success.” Afterward, the attendees had a meal together and had time to talk. Daelim strives for win-win growth including partnership consolidation with partner firms and fortification of their financial and management activities and technology development support and safety management based on the philosophy that “Partner firms’ growth leads to Daelim’s competitiveness consolidation.”
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