Filial Duty Camp, an Autumn Trip Present to Daelim Employee’s Parents

Filial Duty Camp, an Autumn Trip Present to Daelim Employee’s Parents


Daelim employees’ parents participating in the Filial Duty Camp talk to each other while crossing Mt. Gamak Suspension Bridge

Daelim hosted a filial duty camp by inviting Daelim employees’ parents on October 25. On behalf of the busy employees, the Forest Council has been offering the camp since 2013 to give good memories to Daelim employees’ parents. A total of 80 parents attended the camp this year.


Parents enjoy a good time, posing for photograph amid the autumn foliage

The parents toured Mt. Gamak Suspension Bridge, Jaein Falls, and Mt. Odu Unification Observatory. They also visited the Hantan River dam completed by Daelim and had time to understand the company where their children work.


Recreation held in Glad Hotel Yeouido

In the evening, the parents played games, sang, danced together, and had a good time under MC’s guide. The Filial Camp was finished with each returning home after staying one night at the hotel.

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