Dandeung Bridge Wins Prize in Outstanding Structure Awards 2017

Dandeung Bridge Wins Prize in Outstanding Structure Awards 2017 


Dandeung Bridge completed in 2016

The Dandeung Bridge completed by Daelim’s Civil Engineering Business Division in 2016 was awarded the Finalist prize – which is equivalent to second prize — at OStrA (Outstanding Structure Awards) 2017 hosted by IABSE (International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering). As an international association with some 5,000 members in approximately 100 countries around the world, IABSE awards notable civil engineering structures and buildings by selecting them every year.

Dandeung Bridge is the longest one-tower suspension bridge, with the tower’s unique sailing boat-shaped design as the main attraction. The other finalist prize awardees were British New Street Station and Spanish Port of Valencia Innovative Lighthouse, with the grand prize awarded to the Chinese Phoenix Center. The awarding ceremony is slated to be held in Vancouver, Canada in September 2017. 

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