Applying Left-Right Symmetric Refloating Technique for the First Time in the World
Simultaneously Refloating Decks
by Applying Left-Right Symmetric Refloating Technique for the First Time in the World

  Refloating decks using left-right symmetric refloating technique for the first time in the world

Brunei’s Temburong CC2 construction site was successful in refloating and mounting bridge decks by applying a left-right symmetric refloating technique for the first time in the world on January 27. The technique involves simultaneously refloating 2 bridge decks by balancing the weight of the left and right bridge decks. 

Transporting decks manufactured on land by sea / Specially designed launching gantry

After 2 bridge decks (1,600 tons in all) with length of 50m and weight of 800 tons were transported, the 2 decks were simultaneously lifted with a specially designed launching gantry and were mounted on the bridge pier.

The Temburong bridge project is the largest bridge construction project in the history of Brunei. Daelim is currently in charge of phases 2 and 3 construction, and it is building a 13.65km marine bridge as well as 1-tower and 2-tower cable-stayed bridges.
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