Switch-on Ceremony for the Philippines’ SM200 Phase I Project
Switch-on Ceremony for the Philippines’ SM200 Phase I Project

Daelim director Gang Young-guk (second from left), Korean ambassador to the Philippines (third),
and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte (fifth)

The switch-on ceremony for the Philippines’ SM200 Phase I project was held at the construction site on January 26. Daelim director Gang Young-guk, Korean ambassador to the Philippines Kim Jae-shin, and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte attended the ceremony. 

View of the Philippines’ SM200 Phase I site

The SM200 project involves constructing two 100MW units of coal-fired power plant (200MW in all) in Mindanao, Philippines. Daelim built 1 out of the 2 units, and construction was started in December 2012 and completed in April 2016 with zero accidents. Daelim applied an eco-friendly technology, circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler*, for the first time.

* CFB (Circulating Fluidized Bed) boiler: Unlike the existing boiler that burns coals, a CFB boiler is an eco-friendly technology that reduces the emission of pollutants by continuously circulating and completely combusting coals. 
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