Successful Initial Firing in Malaysian Fast Track 3A Site
Successful Initial Firing in Malaysian Fast Track 3A Site

Burning boiler following successful initial firing
Daelim’s Malaysian Fast Track 3A construction site implemented the initial firing of the coal-fired thermal power plant successfully on December 30. The initial firing means performing a test run of boilers through fuel-burning up. The site has entered the full-scale test run phase with the initial firing. 

Posing for group photograph commemorating the initial firing 

Persons concerned with the client, partner firms’ employees, and construction site employees attended the commemorative event and exchanged congratulations on the initial firing. 

Project site under construction

 The Malaysian Fast Track 3A project involves building a 1,00MW coal-fired thermal power plant. Daelim takes charge of design, equipment purchase, construction, and test run; the construction site is located in the Manjung area 288km northwest of Kuala Lumpur. Its commercial operation is scheduled for October 2017.
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