Daelim Suam Scholarship Culture Foundation Holds Scholarship Awarding Ceremony
Daelim Suam Scholarship Culture Foundation Holds Scholarship Awarding Ceremony

The Daelim Suam Scholarship Culture Foundation (DSSCF) held the second semester scholarship awarding ceremony for 2014 on the 12th floor of the Construction Business Division’s company building in Susong-dong on August 22, 2014. Daelim President Oh Gyu-seok and Executive Director Choi Sam-seop attended the ceremony and handed over scholarship certificates to 39 students.

DSSCF selects scholarship recipients among college sophomores each year and pays their tuition and education material expenses for six semesters from sophomore year to junior and senior years. It also hosts social gatherings regularly for the scholars and offers a mentoring program participated in by Daelim personnel.

President Oh Gyu-seok hands over scholarship certificates to the scholarship recipients.

Attendees in the scholarship awarding ceremony pose for a group photo.

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