Daelim’s Dong Hongcheon-Yangyang Expressway Section 10 Site Named Best Site
Daelim’s Dong Hongcheon-Yangyang Expressway Section 10 Site Named Best Site
by Korea Express Corporation

The Section 10 site of Dong Hongcheon-Yangyang Expressway constructed by Daelim was named best site on February 14, 2013 by Korea Express Corporation, which conducted an integrated evaluation on the environment, quality, and safety by receiving recommendations of 33 sites out of the 112nationwide in January 2014.As a result of the evaluation, the Dong Hongcheon-Yangyang Expressway Section 10 site received the highest rating.

The section 10 site work involves building an expressway with total length of 6.1km, including three bridges and three tunnels. Daelim has a 70%stake in this project, and construction is slated to be completed in December 2015.

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