Family Cooking Class
Family Cooking Class 

Cooking together with family

Daelim held the “Family Cooking Class” on the occasion of family month in May. The event was held on May 13 at the staff cafeteria at D Tower two times, in the morning and afternoon. Families of approximately 80 employees attended the cooking class. In the afternoon class, time to deliver a thankful heart to employees’ parents was provided by inviting them.
 Children having a blast playing with people wearing the masks of mascots

Daelim employees and their children who participated in the event cooked Omelet rice, hand-made Ddeokgalbee, salad of spring greens, and Omija & fruit salad using the prepared food materials under the guidance of chefs. Various events, such as roulette game, tall uncle’s balloon gift, and pinwheel and glass making, were simultaneously held for the children.
Menus that other people frequently
look for are recommended by us.
Menus that other people frequently look for are recommended by us.