Vietnam’s O-Mon Thermal Power Plant Unit 2 Project Wins Prize
Vietnam’s O-Mon Thermal Power Plant Unit 2 Project Wins Prize
From left, Daelim Hanoi branch manager Choi Sung-hwa, Vietnamese vice construction minister,
and vice president of Geno2 EVN (client)

Vietnam’s O-Mon Thermal Power Plant Unit 2 project, which was completed by Daelim’s Plant Biz Division in 2015, won the “High-Quality Construction Prize in 2016” on May 5. Daelim was the only foreign EPC company in Vietnam to win such honor.

O-Mon Thermal Power Plant Unit 2

During the event, which was hosted by the Vietnamese Ministry of Construction, 21 outstanding projects were chosen through the general evaluation of quality, safety, and construction period. The project won the prize because it was the only project completed within the construction period in Vietnam in the last 10 years; Daelim’s excellent business management and construction management capabilities were highly evaluated as well.
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