Daelim Completes the Anseong BMW Logistics Center

Daelim Completes the Anseong BMW Logistics Center  


Anseong BMW logistics center

The Anseong BMW logistics center kicking off in January 2016 received use approval on January 26. The logistics center is a logistics warehouse with 1 floor underground and 3 floors aboveground, and it consists of four buildings: warehouse, hazardous material processing building, security station, and pallet storage.

Daelim applied the most sophisticated facilities among BMW global logistics warehouses worldwide including the US and Malaysia. The BMW logistics center is equipped with Mezzanine racking system, ultra-flat floor with less than 10mm in error on average, and firefighting equipment certified by FM Approvals, a US firefighting quality certification body.

* Mezzanine racking system: A structure piling multi-layer racks for small-scale goods management and space use. The goods at the upper layers can be moved and managed easily due to vertical movement passage.


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